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Exclusive Free Training

Accessing Internal Peace

…no matter what’s showing up on the outside

HOSTED BY regena rosa celeste

Friday, July 24th

12pm ET | 11am CT | 9am PT

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Friday, July 24th

12pm ET | 11am CT | 9am PT

To join by phone:Dial 1-646-558-8656Meeting ID 567 709 532Password: IAMPEACE

What You’ll Learn in the Class

How to SHIFT from Frenzy to Peace quickly and easily (even in the midst of a super busy day where you feel like you barely have time to breathe!) The biggest misconception about feeling peace that keeps it out of reach for most people (but not YOU because you’ll learn about it in the class).  The secret to improve your relationships  PLUS a bonus strategy for dealing with difficult or irritating people in your life. How to sustain peace after the class so that you are equipped and empowered no matter what life throws your way!   

About Regena Rosa Celeste

As an international speaker, best selling author and recovering perfectionist, Regena Rosa-Celeste, commonly known as the Internal Peace Revolutionist, specializes in speaking, coaching and teaching skills of internal peace.

Conscious minded men and women hire her to support them in getting unstuck and out of the quick sand that they feel in their business and personal lives. Knowing that each individual is responsible for their own happiness and fulfillment, Regena specializes in teaching tools of lasting transformation and helping people create results that stick. Changing the world and how the world experiences peace, with over 50+ tools and techniques, she equips her clients and students to empower themselves for lasting change. She knows that teaching people the tools of inner peace creates world impact and believes that each person is responsible for their own happiness in the world.

By creating more inner peace, there is more abundance in the world, more wealth available, and an opportunity to create greater health & deeper connection to each individual’s life mission and purpose creating more sustainable inner peace collectively.

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